Sunday, October 3, 2010

Orly Space Cadet - Blingtastic!

Well, here it is, my rendition of Orly Space Cadet a crazy-blingy lacquer, thus, BLINGTASTIC!  This nail polish will satisfy the purple lovers, pink lovers, green lovers, as well as, the gold lovers.  

I just asked my DH what color comes to his mind when he sees this polish then I proceeded to move my hand around so that he could appreciated the duocrominess, of it all. Can you guess which color he saw?  Are you ready for this?  Brown.  

He's such a boy; to his credit, however, if you mix any the above mentions colors together, I'm almost certain you will get some type of brownish hue.  

Do I see a challenge brewing for all you franken-ladies?  Alrighty then, pick this up at your local beauty supply or drug store and you are certain to be well-polished!

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