Sunday, October 10, 2010

L'Oreal Dark Sky (10/10/10)

This is L'Orea'ls new LE offering: Dark Sky!  This came out in the same collex as Luminescence and Femme Noir (both of which, I snagged, as well).  Though, I don't own OPI's Lincoln Park After Dark, this is what I've seen it look like IRL.

Dark Sky went on opaque in two coats and as with dark colors was a nightmare to clean up, but I really like it.  It's shiny and intriguing.  Is it black, what is it?  It's very sophisticated, is what it is :)  

This color is getting little or no mention on the 'net and so I am giving it its five minutes of fame.  If you were like me and never got into the whole LPAD craze, try out Dark Sky by L'Oreal (if you can find it) - ♥ the formula...

Have an awesomely wonderful and well-polished Sunday!

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