Saturday, October 2, 2010

COMPS: Green and Gorgeous - MAC Jade Dragon Q&D's

This is definitely a set of gorgeous green polishes worthy of comparison!  This quick and dirty post was totally inspired by MAC Jade Dragon, which the Nordies SA so kindly pointed out, that this was the "last one" they had in the store.  

What'd she want to say that for, I took a closer look and said, "I'll take it!".  I did, however, mention to her that I have many greens and if it's too close to something I already have I would bring it back.  Well, so much for that - IT'S A KEEPER!

The picture above consists of (top to bottom): Ulta Tainted Love (index), China Glaze Watermelon Rind (middle), Orly Meet Me Under the Mistletoe (ring), and MAC Jade Dragon (pinky). At a glance, you will see, that the bottle pics (below) are in the same family.

These colors, though they're similar, are not the same.  And I'm thrilled to have them all in my collection.  MAC's JD has what I'd call a "secret shimmer" which makes it super shiny and is darker on the nail, while Orly's MMUtM is all-out glass-flecked gorgeousness.  ChG WR is the most teal of the bunch and is glass-flecked, as well, with Ulta's TL being a beautiful deep green with golden shimmer.  And if I'm not mistaken, all of these colors are still available for purchase in the U.S.

One more gorgeous deep green of note would be Nina Ultra Pro's Emerald City.  This was the very first green shimmer I fell in ♥ with (see pic to the right).  This would be a suitable base for all comps above, that is, if you wanted to stretch your nicer bottle of polish.  At any rate, I hope you enjoyed these comps and please let me know your thoughts below.  

Now off to do my "real" mani, Orly Space Cadet!  Can't wait and until the next time, thanks for checking in and being my inspiration to be well-polished.

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