Sunday, August 28, 2011

Zoya - Cynthia and Comps (08/28/2011)

Zoya Cynthia is from the Fall 2011 Smoke Collection, of which, I purchased two: Cynthia and Dree.  I now see that I can't resist a green in any form from dark to light from teal to olive, greens are great!

Color Description: Zoya describes Cynthia as "a smoky, blackened peacock teal with soft warm undertones. A very uncommon shade of blue for a subtle but funky look."  It also is a creme with the slightest hint of shimmer, so slight it's not a secret it's just abut non-existent.  And, it is true you don't find this shade of teal very often but I now have at least four versions of this color in my collection, wanna see?

Similar To: Cynthia is extremely dupish to two, if not three shades that I own: L'Oreal Mystery, Jessica Frost At All Cost and CQ Slate.  Of these the least similar is Slate (a bit more green than blue) but to the "normal" eye they are all pretty much the same. (see pic directly below - can you tell the difference?)

Slate (index), Frost At All Cost (middle),
Mystery (ring), and Cynthia (pinky)
This Look: One coat of Starting Over After Artificials, two coats each of the above four shades and then topped off the final look (first picture) with Zoya Cynthia; used Sally Hansen Mega Shine as the topcoat.

Price Point/Availability: The most difficult of the four to get your hands on would be Jessica Frost At All Cost because it's not as widely available as the others.  The easiest would be CQ Slate from you local Rite Aid (or drugstore) and L'Oreal Mystery, although Limited Edition, can still be found at many drugstores including Bed, Bath and Beyond.  Zoya Cynthia can be found online at for $8.

Hope this helps when deciding which deep teal lacquer to purchase next.  Have a great Sunday, y'all!

Slate, Frost At All Cost, Mystery, Cynthia

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