Friday, December 3, 2010

Q&D - Milani Gems Glitter Comps

New Stuff: Whoa, Nelly!!!  Have you seen the new glitter offerings from Milani?  There are at least six and I purchased three (Silver Dazzle, not shown) and I'm swatching two: Purple Gleam and Blue Flash. Big shout out to Chloe's Nails for posting all the colors for your perusal!

Picture: To the right, you have from top to bottom Wet n Wild Night Prowl (NP), Milani Purple Gleam (PG), China Glaze Dorothy Who? (DW), Milani Blue Flash (BF)

CompsI wanted to do a "quick & dirty" comp because these new glitters (in the bottle) reminded me of a few that I already own: Wet n Wild Night Prowl and China Glaze Dorothy Who?.

The Milani Gems were one coaters, dried a bit matte and chunky but with a top coat (cheap or otherwise) look awesome.  The comps were two coaters and were still sheer, showing VNL, especially, DW.  NP has much more black in the base than PG, which makes them totally different.  With a few more coats, however, DW could stand up to BF.

Well, just in case you were curious as to how these stacked up to what you may already own, they're intensely opaque and chock full-o-glitter. Now on to my "real" mani post - coming soon!

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